Just after his wedding with Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh is back to work and will be promoting his upcoming film Simmba. While the first song Aankh Marey dropped today, here’s how Deepika reacted to it.
Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone simply loves husband Ranveer Singh’s new song, titled Aankh Marey, from his upcoming film Simmba, just as much as we do.
Starring Ranveer Singh and Sara Ali Khan, Aankh Marey is already a hit with viewers. Thursday, the first song from Rohit Shetty’s upcoming film, Simmba, was released.
The first track from the film Simmba titled Aankh Marey released yesterday and it received thumps thumbs from fans on social media, Deepika left a comment in the section on Ranveer’s Instagram after he posted a short clip of the song. Deepika’s comment along with heart-struck emojis “I L-O-V-E IT,” so cute.