On Thursday Red Chillies Entertainment moved the Delhi High Court against a legal notification which is sent by the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) alleging that an objectionable scene in the upcoming Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan “Zero” has allegedly hurt the sentiments of the Sikhs.
Directed by :Aanand L. Rai
Produced by: Gauri Khan,Aanand L. Rai, Karuna Badwal
Stars: Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif
Written by :Himanshu Sharma
Screenplay by: Himanshu Sharma
Starring :Shah Rukh Khan,Katrina Kaif,Anushka Sharma
Music by :Ajay-Atul
Cinematography: Manu Anand
Edited by: Hemal Kothari,Production
company :Red Chillies Entertainment,Colour Yellow Productions
Release date: 21 December 2018
Country :India
Language: Hindi
An appeal was filed seeking action against starer Shah Rukh Khan, The Zero’s movie director Aanand L Rai, Red Chillies Entertainment Pvt Ltd and the Central Board for Film Certification’s (CBFC) and producers Gauri Khan, Karuna Badwal,has blamed for hurting Sikh sentiments. Now, Bombay High Court has directed Central Board for Film Certification (CBFC) to examine Shah Rukh Khan starrer Zero. The court has asked CBFC to submit their report before December 18.