Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Tuesday paid tribute to his late father Harivansh Rai Bachchan on his birth anniversary. The Shahenshah of Bollywood, who has been recite poems of his ‘Babu Ji‘ on public platforms since long.
On “27th November 1907.. the birth of Babu ji .. my Father was so much lovable in public .. and my Dad at home .. Dada ji for Shweta and Abhishek.. parDada ji for Aaradhya,” wrote the 76-year-old.
The Thugs of Hindostan star also shared a few black-and-white images, including a ‘stamp’ which was inaugurated in his father’s name in 2003. “A stamp of the Country in his honour.. A care of Dad when he convalesced .. living and breathing under his shadow.. and an aspiration to follow in Father’s footsteps .. dressed for it! (sic),” he added.
The legendary actor also took to Twitter to pay tribute to his father.
Padma Bhushan awardee Harivansh Rai Bachchan is better known by his pen name Bachchan. His best works include Himmat Karne Walon Ki Haar Nahi Hoti, Agnipath, Ruke Na Tu and Madhushala.
Big B is extremely close to his late parents, Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan, as he often mentions about them either at events or on social media. While his father passed away in 2003, the megastar’s mother died in 2007.