The film Race 3, directed by Remo D’Souza, is a Bollywood action-thriller. In the film, Salman Khan, Anil Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandes, Bobby Deol Shakib Salim, Daisy Shah will be seen in the lead role. The film has been produced under Ramesh S Taurini and Salman Khan’s Banner and Tips Films.
Directed by: Remo D’Souza
Produced by: Ramesh S. Taurani
Written by: Shiraz Ahmed
Music by: Meet Bros
Edited by: Rameshwar S. Bhagat
Release date: 15 June 2018
Stars: Anil Kapoor, Salman Khan, Bobby Deol
Country: India
Language: Hindi
Budget : ₹150 crore
Box office: ₹303.57 crore
The story of the film is from a landlord, which is targeted several times by a group of gangsters. Like the last two parts of the race, this movie is also completely armed with a turn-twist.
In this movie Shamsher Singh (Anil Kapoor) keep a private island Al-Shifa for exchanging arms and narcotics. Shamsher Singh (Anil Kapoor) has twins as Sanjana (Daisy Shah) and Suraj (Shakib Salim). Sikandar (Salman Khan) is his stepfather. Yash (Bobby Deol) is the body guard of Alexander. Jessica (Jacqueline Fernandes) is Alexander’s girlfriend. The enemy of all these is Rana (Freddy Druwala). Shamsher’s al-Shifa has an illegal factory to build weapons.
Shamsher’s photo shows some ministers of India, in which they are celebrating Rangaralia. The video to celebrate Rangaralia is in a hard disk which is kept in a bank locker. Shamsher wants that the hard disk Alexander steals for him so that he can blackmail the ministers.
Yash, Suraj, Sanjana and Alexander steal hard disks. Suraj and Sanjana keep jealous of Alexander. They conspirate to kill Sikandar by combining Yash with him. Do they succeed? What is the reality of Yash and Shamsher? How does Alexander save his family? It is shown with fluctuations in the film.
In this 2 hour 40 minute film, this family is not one but one. Sanjana and Suraj hate their half-brother Sikandar. Meanwhile many conspiracies are created. Here one day a CD is taken at the hands of Shamsher Singh, in which the evidence of the receipts of some of India’s leaders is imprisoned.
Well, there are many things to be disclosed while doing this deal. Some story runs in flashback, where the story related to Sinkar’s mother-in-law is revealed.